Thank you for your presence. Feel invited to the 10th edition of SBF in 2017!

On behalf of the organizators we would like to thank you for your particiation during  Suwałki Blues Festival 2016. From the first reviews received from the audience and blues fans we can announce that the 9th edition has been the best, the most interesting and on the highest artistic level so far.The atmosphere and vibe at the Festival went way beyond our expectations. A huge success thanks to you and your participation at the Festival.

Have a look at the video from the first day of the  9th edition of Suwałki Blues Festival. SBF – a formula for great fun!

We still have some time till the 10th edition of SBF. However, you can now mark in your callendars the date of the jubilee Suwałki blues feast.

We still invite you to Suwałki throughout the year, for every time of the year is beautiful here. Obligatorily, you have to be in Suwałki on 6-9 July 2017! That is the date of the tenth Suwałki Blues Festival!

Jubilee SBF edition will be without a doubt a blues feast with some of the greatest blues performers. There will be also a vast number of the bands and artists who may not be well recognized but for sure who feel the blues and who can hypnotize the crowd.

What will be the line up of the 10th edition of  Suwałki Blues Festiwal? To find out…please stay tuned and wait a bit.  The best way to do so is to listen to some good music …

… and remember to mark the date of the upcoming 10th edition of SUWAŁKI BLUES FESTIVAL
6, 7, 8 and 9 of JULY 2017!