Tandeta Blues Band performed for a short period of time and then it just… disapeared. In 2013, the band was reactivated.
Concerts during SBF 2015
Friday, 10.07.2015, 10.00 a.m.
Na Starówce restaurant, 2 Chłodna St.
free admission
Friday, 10.07.2015, godz. 11.00 p.m.
Na Starówce restaurant, 2 Chłodna St.
tickets on www.bilety.soksuwalki.eu and at SOK Box Office
Tandeta Blues Band (TBB) was formed in July-August, 1988 with the following artists:
- Jan Jankowski – drums,
- Krzysztof „Uganda” Matysiak – guitar,
- Tomek Gajewski – harmony,
- Leszek Sworowski – bass, vocal.
In such compostion, the group took part in „Kłodzko-Krotoszyn” contest of the cities in 1988.
Video from the concert was recorded by the TVP2 and kept in the Archives of Polish Television. After „Kłodzko-Krotoszyn” contest of the cities, TBB has suspended its activities. In 3 months of the group’s existence, 7 pieces were recorded among which 4 outlasted till now.
The group was reactivated in Januaru-February 2013 where payed following artists:
- Tomek Gajewski – guitar, harmony,
- Michał Sokół – drums, (Domniemani)
- Leszek Sworowski – bass, vocal.
The band played in such composition during Wielkia Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy in Koźmin and at Forest, Water, Blues festival.
In June 2014, the drummer has been changed. Paweł Świca, the former member of a jazz group Remiza Juniors Marching Band, joined the band. Świca played with the former band during the Meeting of the Jass Pianist, Rawa Blues Festival, Jazz Jamboree or Złota Tarka. He also performed with many other bands such as Vistula River Bras Band, Janek i Janka, Górna Volta, Ślimak Pędziwiatr, Scum, Fluty Flutes, Jerry Candela, Szekin, Independent Group, Amfilada Music, Adonai, Armia & Zbylaki, Artrosis…
In the current TBB composition, the band performed at Wetwater in Moryn and took second place in the bands’ contest.
They also took part in Jarocin Come Back project and at the Ścinawski Blues nad Odrą festival where the band received an award.
See also: tandetabluesband.pl and Facebook