The first Polish band which performed at famous Notodden Blues Festival


The band was set up in 2009 by experienced musicians from the north-east Poland. The members of the band had played, among other bands, in Same Nazwiska, Światło Świec, Night Come, Wniebowcięci, Shamrock. They played many concerts in Poland and abroad, for e.g.: in Ireland, Lithuania, Latwia, Norway, Czech Republic, Germany, France.

Flesh Creep was the first Polish band that played at Notodden Blues Festival – on of the biggest blues festival in Europie. FLESH CREEP played at Bourbon Street Festival in Austria, Bay Car Blues Festival in Francji and at Suwałki Blues Festival. The band’s concerts were bradcast in Bydgoszcz, Białystok and Olsztyn TV stations.

Piotr Karpienia was the band’s former vocalist who after  being awarded with the 2nd place at 4th edition of „Mam Talent” began his solo career. Now, Marcin Borkowski is a leading vocalist – the contestant of the 3rd edition of Polish Idol.

Band’s line-up:
Marcin Borkowski – vocal
Wojciech Wrona -guitar
Paweł Głowicki – bass
Jerzy Korzun – drums

Więcej na: www.reverbnation.com/fleshcreep i www.myspace.com/fleshcreep