Impressed by a legendarny guitar player… If only he played during Suwałki Blues Festival…
It would be so nice to welcome Ritchy Blackmore at SBF. For now, a special deputy, who was amazed by Blackmore’s Night performance, had a chance to listen to a former Deep Purple member.
Chris King Robinson on SBF (VIDEO)
Chris King Robinson with his band played on SBF in 2014 even before the official opening. On the stage in front of Suwalki Cultural Center young musician gave an excellent show. Watch his performance.
Ginger Baker inaugurated SBF 2014 (FOTO)
Legendary musician supergroup THE CREAM, excellent drummer, Ginger Baker played the opening Suwalki Blues Festival 2014!
Ginger’s new album at SBF
You will be able to hear completely new tracks from upcoming Ginger Baker’ s album called simply,, WHY’’released 27 May 2014.
From Chicago to the River Seine. Excellent French band at SBF 2014!
Blue Time Shakers from France will perform during Suwałki Blues Festival 2014. You will be able to hear them not once, not twice… but three times in Suwałki!