Polish different shades of blues at SBF 2014!

During SBF 2014 will perform many foreign artists, but there will play also many great musicians from Poland…of different sorts.

The group Birnin’ Hearts will deliver a noncompromised rocakbilly Cotton Wing will play classic rhytm & blues but with a great mix. Hard Times is a group singing about love and about life’s issues. Guff breaks all the stereotypes and makes commotion in scheme. Adam Kulisz form Kulisz Trio will seduce you with a deap voice, singing in polish and silesian dialect.

Unusualcombinationwill deliverFingerstyle Bob & The Blues Society. The songs in a „country bluesa” style but with a jazz harmony with a swing rhytm and a characteristic chicago blues puls.

Great sound will flow from the stage where Dr Blues & Soul Re Vision and an american guitar player Niki Buzz will play. Those are the people who, according to „Twój Blues” quarterly magazine, made the best blues album of 2013.

Check who will perform during Suwałki Blues Festival 2014 – GO HERE !