Residents from Podlaskie Voivodeship can vote for Suwałki Blues Festival!

A poll for the Podlaskie Voivodship Brand of the 2014 Year has been announced! Residents from Podlaskie Voivodship can vote now!



On 2nd of March 2015 an online voting for Podlasie Brand  of the Year 2014 has started. Every PODLASKIE VOIVODESHIP resident can vote for his/hers  favorite brand.  Only twenty finalists have been selected from 81 submitted applications. There is Suwalki Blues Festival is among all nominated!  The biggest Polish open air blues Festival has a very strong competition – for the title „Podlaska Marka Roku” (Podlaskie Voivodeship Brand of the Year) , among others, are also nominated  Inventions such as the Mars rover and a device that can help to fight against cancer and even Białystok Halfway Festival.

Vote for Suwałki Blues Festival (only for Podlaskie Voivodeship residents) – GO HERE!

On the Podlaskie Voivodeship Brand of the Year web page you will find a complete list and description of applications. The residents of the Podlaskie voivodeship must enter their mobile phone number to which the message will be sent free of charge with a verification code. After that, the code  must then be entered on the webside, thus confirming your selection. After that the vote will be considered as valid.

You can vote until 16th of March 2015

The residents can win awards!

Podlaskie Voivodeship Brand of the Year is one of the oldest and most prestigious plebiscites held for 10 years in the region. Invariably it is highly popular among producers and consumers from the region. Its purpose is to honor those who offer high quality products, which contribute to building a positive image of the region in the country and abroad.