Wovoka  is a musical tribute to the forgotten culture of trance. Founded in 2012, took the name from the great Indian and the author of „Ghost Dance”. The aim of the band’s work was to find a link between the typical composition of rock’n’roll and the original source of the music.



Stylistically, the blues is mixed with indian music, psychedelic music with the music from Papua New Guinea, because believing in one root combines the whole music. The band returns to the primitive cultures questioning at the same time  the meaning of contemporary music.

The band recorded a gospel album, which was released in August 2013 under the title „Trees Against The Sky” (label Ladoabc). In January 2015, the second album will be released.

Wovoka band consists of following artists:

  • Seagull Chabiera – vocal,
  • Raphael Rogiński – guitar,
  • Paul Szpura – drums,
  • Ola Rzepka – organs