In July 2015 their debut album will be released!
Concerts during SBF 2015
Saturday, 11.07.2015, 10.00 a.m.
Piwiarnia, 2 Chłodna St.
free admission
Saturday, 11.07.2015, 11.00 p.m.
Piwiarnia, 2 Chłodna St.
tickets on and in SOK Box Office
The Yell was set up in 2013. The Yell’s music is inspired by the vintage blues and rock music from the 70s as well as folk and music from the Middle East and North America. Currently, The Yell is working on the debut album which will be released in July 2015.
Don’t know why
Carpet of Flowers
The Yell (PL):
Karolina Cygonek – a vocalist, she is also a vocalist of the Jan Gałach Band
Filip Jurczyszyn – on bass; he is a bass player in Natalii Przybysz and Skubas bands
Marcin Skucz – a guitarist and a composer for the Nook i Baskerville’s Blues Band
Amadeusz Krebs – known and appreciated session musician