Puchowski BEAT & Dunn (PL/USA)


Puchowski BEAT& Dunnis a new project, which was created by Romek Puchowski’s while he was working on a solo album. Album „FREE” was released in March 2013. It gathered great reviews, many of the songs are still played in the radio station. The song „Jurata” was played on air by the Radio Programme Three’s Hit List,Big Bad Brotherwas in the International Songwriter Competition’s semifinals. Romek Puchowski and KeithDunn are artists who share a teenage history of cooperation on European stages. They complement each other, are great improvisers who are open to new musical challenges. Base for their melodic and harmonic actions creates an incredibly efficient „rhythm machine” such as the drummer Gregory Grzyb.

About the music:

Puchowski BEAT& Dunn Band presents trance, contemporary blues sound.The project is a combination of three musical worlds. Keith Dunn,his personality and experience brings blues classics in its purest form. Grzegorz Grzyb, which on daily basis plays contemporary, jazz complex structures joins the group performing blues&trance rhythms. Romek Puchowski who is fascinated by the music of the Mississippi Delta creatively explores the spaces of alternative music. Its hardblues songs allude to contemporary currents of urban folk.The program of the concert consists of original Puchowski, Dunn compositions and the blues classic fastens all songs together.Musicians unite on stage invarious personal and instrumental constellationssolo,duo, trio, creating an expressive, dynamic and thrilling show. The core of the whole group is represented by Romek Puchowski.

Reviews (fragments):

Sticking my earand I can notget over with the admirethatPolishbluesmanplaying on DOBROguitar does itsoperfectlygood.(…)I could admireagoodmasterguitar performance of a composer andlyrics writerRomekPuchowski– his workIrecommended. „

Grzegorz Dusza, AUDIO(excerpt of the album „FREE” review)

Big Bad Brother” is a raw and rough blues made ​​by Puchowski who is accompanied only by Grzegorz Grzyb on drums.A bit like The White Stripes, but it is even more raw and rough.(…)All the nuances, subtleties and refinements that one can hear on the album can be also heard at the Puchowski concerts. To what Iencourage everyone.

RobertTrusiak, „ Magazyn Gitarzysta(excerpt of the album „FREE” review)

(Puchowski) He master fully uses the slide technique, keeping up with the best Duane Allman or Derek Truck.The sound of the new blues album is full of severity. The first sounds of the guitar inThoughts Like Fish” bring fresh morning breeze.(…)

Mateusz Królik, Uwolnij Muzykę (excerpt of the album „FREE” review)

„Greatmotility of the guitar parties, handling the dynamics, stylishvocalsanda hugechargeof energy,which anyblues-rock band wouldn’t be ashamed of Puchowskiis the power.”

Rafał Bialek, Twój Blues(excerpt from the concert at the Satyrblues Festival 2007)

The Band:
Romek Puchowski
– vocals, DOBRO guitar, acoustic guitar,slide
Grzegorz Grzybdrums
special guest Keith Dunn (USA) harmonica,vocals

Romek Puchowski singer,songwriter, DOBRO guitar virtuoso, performer. Master of improvisation and the slide technique. He harmoniously combines tradition and modernity. His solo concerts are totally filled with positive energy. You can read reviewers about him:„The Masterhas spoken!„, „Space, the phenomenon, genius„, „Puchowski is the power.”

He collaborates with Martyna Jakubowicz, Tymon Tymański, Adam Wendt, Keith Dunn, (guitar virtuoso), Nick Katzman, and Sugar Blue (harmonica legend) who is known as an artist working with the Rolling Stones and Frank Zappa. He has participated in prestigious concert project „Masters of the guitar„, presenting the most outstanding Polish guitar players. His group’s album VonZeit Ocieramy się” was considere done of the best rock albums of2008.Album Romek Puchowski„FREE”(2013) collected excellent reviews,the songs were played on air by the most important radio stations in the country. The song „Jurata” was played at the Radio Programme Three chart,Big Bad Brotherwas in the International Songwriter Competition semifinals.

For more information about the artist – GO HERE!

Grzegorz Grzyb – outstanding Polish drummer. He started playing the drums at the age of11 under the tutel age of his father and older brother (all jazz drummers) and Professor Michał Przybyłowiczin Stargard Szczeciński where he grew up. His firsts drumsPolmuz – he bought with money earned during school internships, when he was 16 years old. In 1989,he was joined the army where he played in the marching band and in the band of XII Mechanized DivisionTwelve”. In the army he practiced a lot. Less than two weeks after leaving it he joined the Mark Kazana quintet. Then, there was a chain reactionFor years he was very active in the jazz scene.He has worked with such aces as Bobby McFerrinc, Mike Stern. He permanently cooperates with ZbigniewNamysłowski, Laboratory, Romek Puchowski. Phenomenal, extremelyinspiringinstrumentalist. Besidesmusic,his greatpassion iscycling.

For more information about the artist– GO HERE!

Keith Dunn – harmonica virtuoso , gifted with a deep voice singer . Producer and founder of the deeTone Records label. Born in Boston, active at the blues scene for 30 years. He has a deep blues voice, his harmonica playing is very specific . His stage presence and charisma took him on board to major festivals’ scenes and clubs around the world. He is also an accompanist (including Angela Brown), and founder of his own band called The International Blues Band. His style is full of lyricism, recognizable melodic and percussive elements . In his music you can hear the respect for tradition as well as the nature of the ” unbridled ” improviser. This distinguishes him from most other harmonica artists. Keith shaped his style, spending his time in the company of artists such as James Cotton, Hubert Sumlin, Roy Eldridge, Big Walter Horton and Jimmy Rogers. Before he came to Europe, he was performing on the music scenes of Boston, Providence, Austin, Dallas, Texas, and San Francisco. He is an excellent songwriter. You can hear it on his solo album „Alone With The Blues” which was published by deeTone Record label. ” Alone with the Blues ” is a unique and perfect blend of singing and playing the harmonica .

For more information about the artist – GO HERE!

Romek Puchowski “Big Bad Brother” (words & music Romek Puchowski)