The new guality to well know hits!
Concerts during SBF 2015
Friday, 10.07.2015, 10.00 a.m.
hotel Akvilon, 4 Kościuszki St.
free admission
Friday, 10.07.2015, 11.00 p.m.
hotel Akvilon, ul. Kościuszki 4
tickets on and at SOK Box Office
Ogórkiewicz & Glinka was set up in 2014 as a vocal and guitar duo which brings the new quality to well known hits, being at the same time performed acoustically.
Despite the fact that the musicians are so young they can pride themselves on having such a huge music experience.
Adam Glinka is known since 2008 mainly thanks to his cooperation with Borys Kowalewski and Lans Vegas band. Marysia Ogórkiewicz has been a vocalist in Song Studio and in The Youth Stage in Polznań and as a lead vocalist in rock’n’roll cover band called The Willsons.
Ogórkiewicz & Glinka (PL):
Marysia Ogórkiewicz – vocal
Adam Glinka – vocal, guitar