Her talent has exploded suddenly and with powerful force at the begining of 2013, causing a huge stir in the blues community. Do not worry, you can say that it is the fastest and most spectacular career in the last years.

Where such a success is coming from? What has decided about it? It’s no mistake it is for the Nikki’s gritty and raw voice as well as her full of energy personality, charm and scenic carisma. Her characteristic outlook draws full attention too: hidden under the tuban dreadlocks, postmodern combination of tattoos and a passion for the the old-fashioned costumes.

An important factor for all of the success is also the fact that Nikki is accompanied by a fantastic team under the leadership of her husband, a young but acclaimed guitarist Matt Hill. The quartet – or „Pirate Crew” as they like to call it – complemented by bassist Ed Strohsahl and drummer Joe Meyer. Together, this foursome makes each scene a real powerhouse.

Musically, the band have established themselves between blues, soul and oldfashioned rock and roll. It is well represented on the Hill’s newest debut full length album „Here’s Nikki Hill”.

Nikki Hill – vocals
Matt Hill – guitar / vocals
Ed Strohsahl – bass / vocals
JoeMeyer – drums / vocals

See also: