Cheap Tobacco is a full of energy formation from Krakow, which especially in 2012 marked its presence, not only on the blues scene, in Poland winning major awards at many festivals.
Further more, the team took first place in the alternative Radio Krakow list made on 13th of December 2012. In March 2013, the band released their album. A characteristic feature of Cheap Tobacco performances is that there are full of energy and excitement. Music that the group performs is not easy to define…it’s a fusion of blues, rock and funk, and …something else. In addition,the musicians are trying to make every concert unique. They are not afraid to experiment and to change the arrangements. Therefore, they play electric or acoustic gigs, often with the accompaniment of the brass section. From April 2011the band has played about 70 concerts, including the festival Solo Życia in Lublin, Był Sobie Blues in Tarnow, Festival Ryśka Riedla in Chorzow, Galicja Blues Festival in Krosno or Bluesroads in Krakow and lately on Bluesonaliy in Konin.
- Ist place – audience prize and the prize for best singerandbestbassistat theXXIIFestivalBluesNad Bobrem.
- IIIrd place at the FestivalRysiek Riedel2012
- Ist place at the IIIrdthe Autorski Przegląd Rzepa 2012 in Rzeszowie
- Ist place at theKodexBluesFestival 2012
- I place atWetwater Blues Festival 2012
- Ist place at Ścinawa BluesFestival 2012
- Ist place at the Warta Mississippi Blues in 2012