One of the best and most versatile harmonica players in Europe. Received two platinum albums for album Maleńczuk & Waglewski „Friends” (2007) and Waglewski Fisz Emade „Men Music” (2008). He feels comfortable in any genre of music, he is great in overbending technique, which allows to play any scale in any key of a regular 10-channel diatonic harmonica.
During Woodstock Festival in 2008, he hosted music workshops at the Academy of Fine Arts, between seminars of great personalities such as Tadeusz Mazowiecki and Tomasz Lis. In 2010, as the first Polish, he was invited to the biggest festival in Minneapolis, organized by SPAH, where he played a solo concert and gave a lecture for the most advanced participants from around the world.
In 2014 he took part in the UK’s largest accordion festival NHL in Bristol. There, he led two workshops: on the use of a loop station and on special tuning of diatonic harmonica. He led mastering worshops in France, the USA, Croatia and Ukraine. He has performed in Germany, Belgium and Morocco.
His extraordinary musicality and virtuosity was appreciated by Tommy Emmanuel, Wojciech Waglewski, Jarek Śmietana, Andrzej Nowak, Piotr Maciej Banach or Maleńczuk. He plays in several music formations like JJ BAND, Łęczycki Jazz Trio or Harpcore. He also plays solo using a loop station only on harmonica playing different genres of jazz, Indian raga and even techno.
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