Concerts during SBF 2016
Saturday, 09.07.2016, 11.00 a.m.
Black Pub Komin, 1 Emili Plater St., free admission

Saturday, 09.07.2016, godz. 11.00 p.m.
Black Pub Komin, 1 Emili Plater St., tickets on www.bilety.soksuwalki.eu and at SOK Box Office

HIGHWAY 2015 band.jpg

HIGHWAY is a band playing a mixture of rock, blues and country music – a style called Southern Rock originated from The Southern United States . The band was formed in Zabrze (Poland) but the people who currenlty play in the band come from  over Silesia.

The band performs only its own music with original lyrics. Highway has already released six albums (including a DVD album) and played hundreds of concerts in the country and abroad .


The band has performed at the biggest blues and rock festivals both in the country and abroad (Stetson and Bourbon – Czech Republic, Jiżanska Noc – Czech Republic, Olsztyńskie Noce Bluesowe, Blues Express, Lauba Pełno Bluesa, Bluestracje, Festiwal Ryśka Riedla, Blues Nad Bobrem, Rock Autostrada, Kolej Na Blues, Okolice Bluesa, Blues Nad Okszą, Festiwal Pawła Bergera, Harmojawka, Festiwal Wolnych Ludzi, Chatka Blues Festiwal, Las, Woda i Blues, May Blues Meeting, Fire Blues Festiwal, Suwałki Blues Festiwal, Blues w Leśniczówce) at the music clubs all over the country and during numerous open air events and motorcycle rallies.

The band had the priviledge to perform as a support to many great artists ( Livin’ Blues (NL), Duke Robillard (USA), Budgie (GB), Dżem (PL). Highway has also invited many artists to perform with them for e.g. Nico Christiansen (Livin’ Blues), Jerzy Styczyński (Dżem), Andrzej Nowak (TSA), Michał Kielak (Kasa Chorych), Ryszard Wolbach (Harlem), Leszek Cichoński…

the band has relesed some fantastic video clips to tracks: KILKA DNI, ONA I JA, NIEBEZPIECZNA GRA and ODDECH ANIOŁA.

The song „Taki Dzień” was placed in „Antologia Polskiego Bluesa 2”. The track „Kilka Dni” was placed on „May Blues Meeting 2014” album.

Zygfryd „Zyga” Soporowski – vocal
Marek „Maniol” Manicki – guitars
Tomasz „Simon” Nowakowski – guitars
Tomasz „Peruła” Cygan – bass
Dariusz „Koszał” Koszałka – hammond/piano
Arek „Yankes” Jurkiewicz – drums

See more: www.highway.art.pl, www.facebook.com/highway.silesia and www.youtube.com/user/maniolhighway