Have a look at a brand new SBF 2016 catalogue !
All information about Suwałki Blues Festival 2016 is available not only on www.suwalkiblues.com! Have a look at a special catalogue, for now, available online.
The blues bands’ contest – who will compete this year ?
8 bands will will take part in a blues bands’ contest duting SBF 2016. The Programme Committee has chosen the best groups which will compete to win a Grand Prix.
WARREN HAYNES with his latest project on SBF 2016
Warren Haynes is one of the biggest stars who will perform during Suwałki Blues Festival 2016. A former member of legendary groups such as Allman Brothers Band, Gov’t Mule and Dead will present his latest solo project during 9th edition of SBF!
It’s going to be a real fusion of music genres during SBF 2016!
With Otis Taylor, it’s best to expect the unexpected. His music is a real fusion of roots styles in their rawest form, discusses heavyweight issues like murder, tyranny and injustice. Otis Taylor trully is a „king of trance-blues”.
Be prepared for a great concentration of music talents served by The Blues Pills
Blues Pills is a young quartet from three countries. This mixture results in a remarkable blues. You will get to hear them during Suwałki Blues Festival 2016!