For the second time in Suwałki Blues Festival’s history a BLUES BAND’S COMPETITION will take place.
This time round only POLISH bands will compete during 8th edition of SBF (9-11 July 2015) to perform at the Main Stage during the Festival and to be qualificatied to take part and to represent Poland during European Blues Challenge 2016.
The competition was a novelty last year. The audience could listen to 10 groups which were chosen by the Suwałki Blues Festival Programme Committee 2014:
Alicja Andrulewicz – Head of the Department of Culture, Tourism and Promotion, City Hall in Suwalki
Bogdan Topolski – Artistic Director of Suwałki Blues Festival, Suwałki Cultre Centre
Jan Chojnacki – Polish Radio Programme Three, Baobab Radio
Andrzej Matysik – ”Twój Blues” quarterly magazine
Andrzej Jerzyk –Okolice Bluesa Forum, Centrum Kalisz Radio
The award in 2014 was given to DRUNK LAMB band.
This year other groups will have a chance to follow DRUNK LAMB’s success, for this year a second eddition of COMPETITION will take place. The competition formula gives an opportunity to all of the gropus, whose music is based on blues, to make a possible start in their music career.
Participation in the competition can be submitted until 29th of May 2015. Qualified groups shall compete between 10th and 11th of June 2015 on Maria Konopnicka Square in Suwałki. Winners, upon Jury’s decision, shall be awarded with two main prizes:
• Blues Festival Grand Prix – the President of Suwałki Municipality’s award (statue) together with a money award of 10 000 zł and the right to perform on the Main Stage during the Festival on 11th of July 2015,
• qualification to take part and to represent Poland during European Blues Challenge 2016 organized by the European Blues Union (
The jury shall be represented by well known musicians and publicists and the organizer’s representative.
SUWALKI BLUES FESTIVAL is one of the most important and greatest blues events in Poland and Europe. Three days of concerts, two professional open air stages, blues bands’ competition, concerts on small stages in the city centre, blues breakfasts, numerous acoustic concerts, late night concerts at the clubs joined with jam sessions. Recognized stars and new sounds. Amazing music atmosphere.