10 bands will be taking part is a Blues Band’ Contest during SBF 2014. Festival’s Programme Committee has chosen the best groups out of 30 applications.
24th of May 2014 The Suwałki Blues Festival 2014 Programme Committee constiting of:
Alicja Andrulewicz – Governor of Culture and Conservatory of Monuments Departament, City Hall in Suwałki
Bogdan Topolski –Suwałki Blues Festival Artistic Director, Suwałki Culture Centre
Jan Chojnacki – Polish Radio 3 Programme, Baobab Radio
Andrzej Matysik – Chief Editor of ‘’Twój Blues’’ quarterly magazine
Andrzej Jerzyk – Okolice Bluesa Forum, Centrum Kalisz Radio
after examining 27 bands from Poland, Lithuania and Latvia for the Blues Bands’ Contest with in Suwałki blues Festival 2014 The Committee has decided to qualify following bands:
- LEVI (Kraków)
- BRACIA i SIOSTRY (Białystok)
- ROADSIDE (Koszalin)
- ANDY ABRO BAND (Alytus, Litwa)
- JUICY BAND (Pszów)
- SHOE LACES (Ostrów Wielkopolski)
- DRUNK LAMB (Gdańsk)
The qualified bands will be competing on 11-12 of July 2014 to win the Main Prize of 10 000 pln, statue, and the opportunity to give a concert on one of the Main Stages as well as to be qualified to be the Polish representative at the European Blues Challenge in Brussels, Belgium in 2015.