
The Nie Strzelać Do Pianisty showed up at V Festival Forest,Woda & Blues, where he won recognition of both jury and audience and was awarded with first place at the bands’ competition and the Audience Award. After that, the group started to be invited to numerous contests ending up with an awards. They also succeeded outside the blues environment, when they won the Hard Rock Rising 2012 award and became the official representative of the Krakow Hard Rock Cafein the global vote.

As a regular group of the festival they were invited, inter alia, to Olsztyn Blues Nights, Gdynia Blues Festival, or Jimiway in Ostrow Wielkopolski.

Each concert is a chance for them to release the maximum amount of energy.They give the audience not only rock’n’ roll thrill, but also chills in emotional ballads embedded firmly in the blues.

»Winner of the localphase ofthe globalHard RockRisingcontestin 2012 anda representative ofthe Hard RockCafeKrakow!
»Jury Prizeand theAudience Award at theV Festiwal Las, Woda & Blues Radzyniu
»First Prize at the IIStudent BluesFestival Bluesroads in Krakow
»First Prize at the IVFestivalŚcinawskieBluesNad Odrą
»Winner of VIIIGaliciaBlues Festival
»Award for HubertSzczesnyfor the bestvocalat the XXIFestiwalu Blues nad Bobrem
»Prize andhonorable awardfor AdamKarmińskiegoatVIIGuitarsoloin Nowa Sol
»Award for AdamKarmińskiego forthe bestguitarat II WetwaterFestival inMoryń.

Nie Strzelać do Pianisty on Facebook!